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We Depend Upon Volunteers

Locust Lane is an entirely volunteer-run organization. We can not accomplish this great work without you.


So if you are willing to invest in kids, learn a bit of horsemanship, and roll up your sleeves to use your heart, mind, soul, or body in the mission of Locust Lane, we're willing and eager to find a place for you to serve.


Opportunities to Serve

work crew

Farm Hands

If you'd like to get your feet moving and hands dirty, these service opportunities are for you.

Feeding & Cleaning

These chores require able-bodied adults and responsible teens. You can sign up for one shift or more a week.

Feeding times typically fall between 9 am - 11 am weekdays and 4 pm - 7 pm weekdays. 

Feeding Chores

prepare grain for feeding

bring grain and hay to fields for feeding (can partner with a horse person)

Farm Chores

weedwhack property

sweep and clean barn

wash water buckets

clean tack


Youth Mentors

If you'd like to invest into the lives of kindergarten through high school youth, these opportunities are for you.

Willing Hearts

If you'd like to invest a few hours a week towards building relationships with youth, this opportunity is for you. You can make a commitment to one program for one term. Training will be provided prior to the beginning of each program.  No horse experience is needed.

After-School Program
4 pm - 6:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (pick one day)

Care Crew
10 am - 12 pm on Saturdays

Summer Camp Program

8 am - 3 pm week-long camps starting in June


summer 2020

Helping Hands

If you'd like to support the work of Locust Lane, but don't have a flexible schedule or can't make a regular commitment, this is for you.

Practical Help

We have plenty of opportunities for you to serve Locust Lane without a regular commitment. 


Provide a hot meal for 12 - 18 children and volunteers.


Sign up for our prayer team to cover the work of Locust Lane.


Become an Ambassador for Locust Lane by sharing with your community, pastor, principle, and employer about the work of Locust Lane.


Do you have a special gifting or skill that Locust Lane could benefit from? Tell us!